Employers can appeal a hearing officer’s decision dealing with the benefit entitlement of one of their current or former employees and may also participate in an appeal brought by one of their employees.
When we receive notice that one of your current or former employees wishes to appeal a decision to the tribunal, we will notify you and send you a Notice of Intention to Participate form.
Participation can include observing a hearing; bringing and/or being a witness at a hearing (either in person or by conference call); and filing evidence and/or written arguments.
If you wish to participate in the appeal, fill out and return the form by the date set in our letter to you. If you do not return it, we will assume you do not wish to participate, and we will not send any further information or notices concerning the appeal. You will, however, receive a copy of the final decision.
If you are participating in an appeal dealing with the benefit entitlement of a current or former employee, you will need to complete a Request for Access to Documents form so you can obtain a copy of the board’s claim file from the tribunal. You must agree, in writing, not to use or disclose the documents for any purpose other than participation in the appeal. You must also agree to keep the documents confidential and secure.
The board’s file may contain personal information unrelated to the appeal. The tribunal will forward copies of the material necessary for your full participation in the appeal.
For more information, please read our Appealing a Hearing Officer’s Decision pamphlet. You can also visit our website contact form or contact our office.
Phone: 902-424-2250
Toll free: 1-800-274-8281
Fax: 902-424-2321
Workers’ Compensation Appeals Tribunal
1465 Brenton Street
Suite 201 (Charter Place Offices)
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3T4